
MSM cordially invites you to join our Executive MBA in Sports Management events which will be held on 25 November 2015 and 16 December 2015.

During these events we will give you a taste on what to expect when you choose to study your Executive MBA at MSM.

Director of Global Education Operations and Senior Lecturer of Strategy and Marketing Mr. Oliver Olson will treat you to a Master class on Strategy, Jazz and Football. This interactive master class is a short excerpt from the Global Strategy Course which is part of the Executive MBA curriculum.

As an appetizer to the master class we will give you first-hand information on the Executive MBA in Sports Management. You will learn all about the curriculum, the content and the format of the program, and the practical information. We will also tell you more about the scholarship opportunities we are exploring, and the eligbility for these scholarships based on your background.

The session starts at 3.00 pm and will end at 5.00 pm when you can join us for a network drink.

Program of the event on 25 November:

3.00 – 3.15 pm Opening and short introduction of MSM
3.15 – 4.00 pm Ins and outs of the Executive MBA in Sports Management
including Q&A
4.00 – 5.00 pm Master class Strategy, Jazz and Football by Oliver Olson
5.00 – 6.00 pm Network drink

During the network drink our staff will be there to answer any further questions you would have about the Executive MBA program.

Maastricht School of Management – Business Lounge
Endepolsdomein 150
6229 EP  Maastricht

To reserve your seat please fill in the registration form on our event page.

Timing and program of the event on 16 December will be the same. However we will treat you then to a different master class. Details will follow soon on the event page on our website.

We hope to see you in Maastricht!